Instruction to install and configure the sided binary
The choice of operating system for your node is entirely based on your personal preference. You can compile the sided daemon on a wide range of modern Linux distributions and recent versions of macOS.
The tutorial assumes that you are utilizing an Ubuntu LTS release. If you have opted for a different operating system, you will need to adjust the commands accordingly to align with your chosen OS.
Golang v1.22.0 [go releases and instructions][].
Ensure that you have the necessary version of Golang installed.
go version
The output must align with the Golang version specified in the Prerequisites section.
# NOTE: Please remove previous git working directory (side) on your local and re-clone the repository.
git clone <>
cd side
git checkout v0.9.0
Compile the sided binary.
make install
The provided command will compile the sided binary and save it in your $GOBIN directory. If $GOBIN is included in your $PATH, you should be able to execute the sided binary.
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
sided version
If you encounter any issues related to PATH settings, please consult the provided Go releases and instructions link mentioned in the prerequisites section.