System Specs

Hardware Requirement
CPU 4 Cores
Disk 200 GB
Bandwidth 25 MBit/s

On AWS, we recommend using the M6i, R6i, or C6i series.


Ensure all ports needed for your node functionality are needed, described below

Default Folder

By default, we setup the following default data folders for consensus and execution clients:

For the remainder of this tutorial, we will refer to the story data root as ${STORY_DATA_ROOT} and the geth data root as ${GETH_DATA_ROOT}.

You are able to override these configs on the story client side by passing --home ${STORY_CONFIG_FOLDER}. Similarly, for geth, you may use --config ${GETH_CONFIG_FOLDER}. For information on how overrides work, view our readme on setting up a private network.

Execution Client Setup (story-geth)

  1. (Mac OS X only) The OS X binaries have yet to be signed by our build process, so you may need to unquarantine them manually:

    sudo xattr -rd ./geth

  2. You may now run geth with the following command:

    ./geth --iliad --syncmode full

Clear State

If you ever run into issues and would like to try joining the network from a cleared state, run the following:

rm -rf ${GETH_DATA_ROOT} && ./geth --iliad --syncmode full